Argentina: University Teachers Organize Protests

April 1, 2024 Hour: 4:58 pm
On Monday, the National Federation of University Teachers of Argentina is preparing new days of protest to demand better salaries and reject government cuts in the sector.
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According to the organization, a “banderazo” will take place next Thursday in representative places, and a 48-hour strike will begin on the 10th.
The slogans of the demonstrations will be No to the defunding of public universities, science and technology, and Yes to the unrestricted defence of education so as not to jeopardise the sovereignty and future of the country.
In addition, other initiatives are planned to make visible the situation of the centres of higher education, several of which have announced that the budget is only enough for them to function until the middle of this year.
Defendamos la universidad pública y la ciencia argentina.PLAZA HOUSSAY SE PONE DE PIE
SUMATE AL BANDERAZO»��️ Jueves 4 de abril 13:30 hs
�� Paraguay 2150, Ciudad de Buenos Aires— DefendamosLaCiencia (@DefLaCienArg)
March 27, 2024
The tweet reads, “Let’s defend the public university and Argentine science. HOUSSAY SQUARE STANDS UP AND JOINS THE BANNER. Thursday, April 4, 1:30 pm Paraguay 2150, City of Buenos Aires.”
In February, the rectors meeting in the National Inter-University Council pointed out that the context is critical and warned of serious repercussions on the activities of their institutions.
Recently, the University of Buenos Aires launched a campaign entitled Cuidemos lo que funciona (Let’s take care of what works) with the aim of collecting signatures to denounce the strong adjustment approved by Javier Milei’s government.
On 14 March, a strike of the National Universities Trade Union Front took place for the same reasons.
The professionals also consider the 12 percent salary increase proposed by the government to be insufficient, recalling that year-on-year inflation is over 200 percent.
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Autor: teleSUR/ OSG
Fuente: The Star